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Special Thanks – Oregon Fires

Updated: Sep 25, 2020

Dear Friends,

A giant thank you is owed to all the people who offered support during these last few weeks. Thank you, everyone who called, donated, messaged and shared our posts. If we didn't specifically express praise to you directly then we apologize, but please accept our thanks at this time. The last several weeks we have been very busy and we're trying to help as many displaced seniors as possible. It breaks our hearts to know that anyone is suffering and especially this most vulnerable population. We were able to distribute most of the care packages that were created. The Register Guard even mentioned our efforts in a very timely article.

Below are some photos and video from our efforts, for archival purposes.

Thank you to every first responder. We know you're still tirelessly at work, making Oregon safe for everyone. We hope to honor and emulate your service by making sure that the Willamette Valley's senior population is well taken care of.

If you know of any senior in need, please send them our contact information.


Lauren Berry

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